About Me

My photo
Secret Harbour, WA, Australia
You might guess...I love cats! I have been married for 28 years and have two older children(16 & 23). We have two cats. A rag doll named Zorro and a ginger boy named Oscar. I have been quilting for 24 years and have just started scrapbooking and card making. After so long quilting, delving into the world of scrapbooking is quite different and I have alot to learn. I do enjoy using all the different papers and seeing all the colours come together. I would love it if you would like to leave a comment and maybe even join as a follower. I look forward to hearing from you and to following your blogs too.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's cold but the Pansy's are out!

It's cold outside but the Pansy's are flowering. Pansy's are one of my favourite flowers. I love the different colours in them. Flowers in general have so many beautiful colours and different colour combinations. I like to use the colours in flowers as a guide when I choose colours for sewing projects or making cards and scrapbooking. I caught the cats outside today. As usual Zorro was trying to eat anything that looked slightly appetizing whilst Oscar showed off and watched to make sure I was taking notice of him and not Zorro. They tolerate each other, Zorro following Oscar around like a little brother and copying everything he does and going and sleeping everywhere Oscar goes. Although Zorro doesn't seem to like the "cat beds" I have in the lounge room and under the window in our bedroom.........perhaps he has enough fur to keep him warm in the winter. Here is a photo of a knitting bag I made for my Mum. I have appliqued the pansy's and hand stitched the applique and quilting. Mum used it all the time until she passed away in 2006, and now I keep my knitting in it and think of her every time I look at the bag.

Today I am going to do some machine embroidery. I have found a lovely Sue Box design of a teddy and a pattern for a little bag which has four pockets around the sides. I am going to put the design on the four pockets and will show you next post.

Bye for now,


  1. Welcome to blogland! Hope you have as much fun as I have! It's nice to have something you've made with so much memory for you... your cats look like quilt cats for sure! I'll bet they love 'helping' you...

    PS I love the Valley of the Giants and spent my last birthday there in January!

  2. Hi...tried to post but wouldn't let me..will send a email
